StatSVN demo is designed to show StatSVN capabilities for some well-known open source projects. Some of those are rather large and required some serious initial computing power (first run is rather big if the project has a lot of history).
At the moment, we have selected:
- Subversion itself!
- Spring Rich Client (java rich client library from Spring)
- Hibernate 3 (java persistence)
- Joda Time (cool java time library)
- Log4J (Apache logging library for Java)
- Ruby (yes, the language, in C!)
- Groovy
- Grails
- Felix (Apache OSGi implementation)
- Ant (Apache Ant, had more than 500,000 revisions)
- Mule (The World's most widely used open source ESB)
- Synapse (Apache Synapse, Synapse is a mediation framework for Web Services. Synapse allows messages flowing through, into, or out of an organization to be mediated.)
- QPid (Apache QPid, implementation of AMQP, Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol)
- QALab A great tool for keeping track of QA statistics over time.
- PZFileReader Parsing of delimited strings or fixed-length strings.
- ObjectLab Kit Date Calculators for Business and Finance.
- JTreeMap Heat Map library.
- AntLibs DotNet.
- AntLibs HTTP.
- AntLibs Manual for Eclipse.
- AntLibs Subversion.
- AntLibs Ant Unit.
- XStream XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again.
- JBoss AS No less! Do not try this at home, the first batch of statistics required 102,000 calls to the server... now it is fast!
- JRuby JRuby is an 100% pure-Java implementation of the Ruby programming language!
- ServiceMix The Apache ServiceMix project is an ESB and component suite based on the Java Business Interface (JBI) standard - JSR 208
- Commons-Lang The Apache Commons Lang.
- JDK7 The java JDK version 7! Checkout the very latest changes!
- TestNG TestNG, the new testing framework!
- Maven 1 The Apache Maven 1!
- Maven 2 The Apache Maven 2!
- Maven 2 Plugins The Apache Maven 2 Plugins!
- Continuum The Apache Continuum project!
- Pebble a Blog software!
If you would like us to add an open source project, please raise an issue on SF and provide us with the following information:
- Project Name
- Project Home page
- A one paragraph of html describing the project
- URL to anonymous Subversion server for the trunk
- List of tags, versions that should be identified.
- A list of developers, loginId-RealName, URL to homepage, URL to photo and email (all optional)
StatSVN Team.
PS: Support us by checking the Ads on the demo site. Thanks.
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