Friday, 6 April 2007

First post... why a combined blog?

Welcome to the ObjectLab Open Source News.

Our company, ObjectLab Financial Ltd is quite involved in some open source projects. We believe that, as a whole, this family of open source projects can help you.

So what are they?

  • QALab, our first project. It keeps track of QA statistics over time based on Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs, Cobertura, Simian and more to come!

  • ObjectLab Kit, a series of Date calculators for business and finance. It is Apache 2.0 so feel free!

  • JTreeMap, the only open source Apache 2.0 HeatMap solution for java!

  • StatSVN, a cool way to discover who has done what and when in your Subversion repository (sorry we cannot help on the 'why' they did it!)

  • PZFileReader, a parser for delimited or fixed-length text. It is not as easy as it sounds... very flexible.

  • StatCVS, same as StatSVN but for CVS (we just contributed a bit...)

So, why a combined blog? So you can keep track of the news for all our projects in one place!

All news releases will announced here!


Benoit & the rest of the team.

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